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Vinyasa Flow: Flowing Yoga Poses with Breath. Restoring and strengthening energy channels, mind and body. Creative Flow based on core principles of Patanjalis 8 Limbs
Yin Yoga A gentle, nourishing and grounding practice. Great compliment to our Ying (Vinyasa) Classes, works deeper into our connective tissues with meditative breath work with lying and seated postures. Great for the mind and for pain. Use of Bolsters and Blocks and straps to help us relax into the pose will be provided when not online.
Yin Yang Yoga Perfect balance and harmony of Inner Fire and Rest and Digest, aiding regulation to our energy systems for health and wellbeing. Vinyasa Yoga encorparating a gentle flow of movement of the body with the breath through yoga pose. To tune in, strengthen, stretch and re-energise whilst connecting mind and body. Complemented by some Yin poses, which are held in sitting or lying for 3-5mins to reground and nourish or mind and body and deep connective tissue through a meditative state to delve deeper into ourselves and our practise.
Yoga for Climbers Dynamic Vinyasa Style aimed to open, strengthen and condition all aspects of the body for Climbing, whilst still getting the benefits of a Vinyasa class.
Physio Based Yoga Aimed for specific Musculoskeletal conditions. Nice guidelines current advocate Yoga for Lower Back Pain with some great benefits.
One to One Sessions Offering all of the above on a one2one basis. ****currently offering via Zoom*

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